The Human Element of Learning

In the relationship between the student and the teacher, when the personalities are in sync, then you know it.  A conflict–temporary or more on-going–can skew learning and create longer lasting consequences than just the school year.  Understanding any conflict, objectively, takes some effort on the teenager’s, parent’s and teacher’s parts.    What’s a general complaint?…

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Back To School…More Complex Than Buying New Notebooks

BACK TO SCHOOL: Three words that can send excited nerves through a student’s, parent’s and teacher’s bodies.  Students may lament, yet their friends are waiting on campus, after all.  At the same time, there’s a frenzy of last minute summer reading and assignment completion while parents buzz in the background, brimming with “I told you…

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Plagiarizing Doesn’t Happen Only in School

Original thought that contributes to common knowledge and greater understanding is demanded of students across the country.  New software that scans students’ work and rates the percentage of the document that is potentially plagiarized are being used in high school and college classrooms. One high school junior told us that her teacher returned her history…

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Make Money from Doing Your Homework

“Hands on learning”–somehow these eduspeak words have invaded Seniors’ vocabulary to describe the classroom environment they desire in college. (Incidentally, their next sentence usually includes something to the effect, “You know, the opposite of high school.”) Well, how about taking “hands on learning” to another level and actually making money with the knowledge one gains…

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