Instant Civics Lesson–Memorial Day & California’s Tuesday Primary Election

Learning isn’t only in the classroom and for a grade.  Life presents educational opportunities everyday. Tuesday’s Primary Election can spur conversations about citizenship.  Why is there a Primary election?  Why are voters electing delegates to the party primaries, not the Presidential candidate themselves?  What’s a Proposition?  Why are the voters deciding abut new expenses (i.e.…

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European History in 3 Minutes…Wait, Don’t Click Away

Ever wonder how history is relevant?  Do you believe history is boring–simply memorization of facts and dates?  Here’s a short 3 minute history of the changes in Europe for the past 1000 years.  Watch and wonder how many people’s lives changed with the shifting borders, how many cultures were exchanged after being conquered and conquering…

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Grade Inflation is present and its effects may be more damaging then you think

The Economist this past week spoke of the notion of panflation, or better said the inflation of everything. “This ‘panflation’ needs to be recognized for the plague it has become.” I couldn’t agree more. What caught my eye in the article was the authors discussion of grade inflation.  Grades have always been a tricky topic…

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