Finding A College Can Feel Like Searching for a Needle in the Haystack

But, in reality, the student is the needle.  No, that’s not some obscure Master-Yoda-Jedi-training-mind-trick.  What it means is that the more that college bound student, knows about himself/herself  (i.e. interests, vision, goals–career and otherwise), then the narrower the field of possible colleges for both application and enrollment becomes.  Plus, the six figure price tag of…

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Choosing Extra-curricular Activities When There’s No Magic Formula for College Admissions

Unfortunately for college applicants, there is no magic, straightforward formula for earning an acceptance in the college admissions process. Since the evaluation for college admissions is completed by human beings, about other human beings, in an environment with yearly increasing numbers of applicants who excel and exceed the requirements for admissions, subjectivity in decision making…

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College Tuition Set to Keep Rising with No Relief In Sight

 Since 1980, college tuition has risen 945%, in comparison with inflation’s rise of 193% during that same period–meaning all purchases have increased in price, but college tuition has increased at a ratio of 9 to 1–based on information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.  The University of California (UC) and California State University (CSU) systems…

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College Admissions & Financial Aid 101: The Expanded Edition

After facilitating a lively Brown Bag Lunch discussion at Hewlett Packard in Roseville, CA called, “College Admissions & Financial Aid 101”, I wanted to l expand on a few answers, as well as offer additional tips for families: About the information college’s review in applications during admissions decision making:   The four main areas of…

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